Temple of Luxor

The Temple of Luxor

The Temple of Luxor is one of the most well-known places to visit in Luxor, Egypt, and the second largest temple there.

Egypt, also known as “the land of the pharaohs,” has a lot of historical sites that draw tourists from all over the world. Luxor is one of Egypt’s most important cities.

Because the ancient Egyptians believed in their religion and knew how important it was, they brought in people from other places to help them build temples to their gods.

Most of Egypt’s monuments can be found in Luxor. Because it was once the capital of the New Empire, Luxor is known for its temples and is thought of as a great open museum.

The Temple of Luxor is one of the most important ones. The Temple of Karnak is thought to be the largest temple in Egypt. The Temple of Luxor is thought to be the second largest.

How the Temple of Luxor came to be

Since the Xth Dynasty, when it was the capital of the New Empire, “Ancient Thebes” in Luxor has been a threat.

In 1400 BC, Amenophis III gave the order to build the Temple. It is a place where the god Amon-Ra, his wife Mut, and their son Jonsu are worshipped. It was built by Amenhotep (the son of Hapu).

During the time of Tutankhamun and Ay, the building was started up again, and the walls were decorated.

Some buildings were built in the kingdom of Ramses II. Amenophis III and Ramses II built the old parts, but Shabako, Nectanebo I, and the Ptolemaic dynasty built the new parts.

Alexander Mango fixed up the temple and added a chapel shaped like the god’s boat.

The digging at the Temple

Gaston Maspero, a Frenchman, started digging in this part of the Temple in 1885. In 1990, 66 new statues of the goddess Leona Sejmet were found. They were taken to the Museum of Luxor. This was one of the most important finds.

Festival in a Temple

During the feast of Opet, the god Amon was moved from the Temple of Karnak to the Temple of Luxor by a sacred boat. This took place at the Temple of Luxor.

During the second and third months of the flood season, this party took place.

The Temple of Luxor was built.

It is right in the middle of Thebes. The length of the Temple of Luxor is 260 metres, and its width is 50 metres. It covers 10,000 square metres.

Ramses II built a pylon that stands at the entrance. There were also two obelisks of Ramses II, but the one on the left is 25 m tall and the other was moved to France in 1833.

Six granite statues of Ramses II sitting on their lathes guard the entrance. The giants stand 15.5 m tall on a pedestal 1 m tall. There are also statues of Osiris in the court of Ramses II.

The small temple of Thutmose III is where the three chapels for the three gods of Thebes (Amon, Mut, and Jonsu) are.

The court of Amenophis III is reached by a 25-m-high colonnade. On the outside, there are chapels and religious ceremonies painted on the walls.

About the Temple of Luxor

People say that before the XIIth Dynasty of the Middle Empire, there was another temple where the Temple of Luxor is now.

It was called “Ipest-resit,” and it was in Luxor. Nectanebo I built an avenue of sphinxes with human heads that leads from this Temple to the Temple of Karnak.

During the time of the Romans, the Temple was a military centre, a camp, and then a place where Christians went to worship. This was the end of the Temple’s importance.

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About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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