Egypt’s Nile River.

The Nile River in Egypt is one of the most important waterways on Earth. It’s not too much of an exaggeration to say that the Nile gives life to all of Africa, but especially Egypt.

For a long time, this river (which is about 6,700 km long) was thought to be the longest in the world. However, it has now been proven that the Amazon is longer. Not only is the length of the Nile unusual, but so is the way it acts.

During the hottest months of the year, it doesn’t dry up like many other bodies of water in this part of the world. Instead, it overflows its banks, turns red, and stains the flooded areas.

The name of the river comes from a long time ago, when the first world civilizations were just getting started. The ancient Greek word “Neilos” is where the word “Nile” comes from. The Greeks also called the river Agyptos. This is likely where the name Egypt came from.

It is impossible to know how important the Nile was to the creation and growth of the ancient Egyptian civilization, which, along with the Sumerian civilization, is thought to be the first of all cultures. The Nile is Egypt. The river has a lot of plants and animals, and after the spill, a lot of silt fell to the ground. These are just a few of the gifts.

In the past, the world was full of dangers like droughts, floods, and animals that killed people. To get along well with nature, you had to work for it. So, the god Sebek, who was a Nile crocodile, was worshipped by the ancient Egyptians.

People thought that the god with a crocodile’s head kept the forces of darkness at bay. In his honour, temples were built where animals with special decorations ruled. When these animals died, they were buried with a lot of respect. Today, all of the crocodiles left the Nile. Also, some of these animals are very old, which is rare in Africa as a whole.

Egypt’s water comes from and flows into: River Nile

Since ancient times, no one has been able to figure out where the river’s water comes from, which makes it fill the valley every year. Several guesses were made, but none of them were set in stone. Because of this, for a long time, an allegory of the Nile was a god with a draped head, which was a sign of ignorance.

At the moment, there is no single view on either where it came from or how big it is. We know for sure that the Nile comes from the East African plateau. The Kagera River, which flows into Lake Victoria, is thought to be the most remote part of the plateau.

The tributaries cause the river to flow fast and flood. The Blue and White Niles are the most well-known. Lake Victoria is where the White Nile starts. Its name comes from the colour of the water, which comes from the clay particles that are suspended in it. The Blue Nile starts in Lake Tan, which is in the Ethiopian Highlands. The volume of the Nile is determined by how much water is in Lake Tan.

In Ethiopia, the Blue Nile is a holy river that people give food to and worship.

Again, tributaries change the colour of the Nile during the flood season. The red colour comes from the mountain minerals and melted glaciers that are in the water. The green colour comes from the tropical plants.

Basin and Valley of the Nile

The Nile is very long. Usually, this river is only linked to Egypt, but a large number of states, including Kenya, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda, are in its basin. A little more than 20% of the Nile flows through Egypt. The rest of the river flows through other countries.

This small amount turned the Nile Valley into an oasis for tourists and a dreamland for archaeology and history fans. Most of Egypt’s big cities, including Cairo, the country’s capital and the biggest city in Africa, are on the Nile.

From the delta, where the river splits into channels and flows into the Mediterranean Sea, to the border with Sudan in the south, the valley is there. Egypt has cities, as well as some of the world’s oldest and most famous cultural monuments and museums. These include the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings, the Luxor and Karnak Temples, and the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

Nile Cruises in Egypt

Back in the 19th century, travellers liked to take cruises on the Nile to see as much as possible at once.

“Death on the Nile,” a scary book by Agatha Christie, tells the story of one of the most famous trips down the Nile. This work shows how popular cruises were among wealthy people in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century.

Based on the book, a lot of movies have been made. So, anyone who wants to can easily get a taste of Egypt and even take a cruise along the Nile while watching and rewatching their favourite movies. Check out our top Nile cruises in Egypt.

City on the Nile

Cairo is the biggest city in the Valley. It gets a lot of tourists because of its Old Town. There is also a famous museum that has the world’s largest collection of ancient Egyptian art.

The famous pyramid tombs of the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre, and Mikerin, which were built before our time, are in the southwest suburb of Giza. This is one of the seven wonders of the world.

The Napoleonic Wars at the end of the 18th century cut off the nose of the Great Sphinx, which is near the pyramids. In Memphis and Saqqara, you can see a big statue of Ramses, the Serapeum, and an old graveyard.

Alexandria is the second-largest city, but it is a very important one. Alexander the Great started this seaport. It is best known for what it lost: a lighthouse that is also one of the seven wonders of the world and the story of the Alexandria Library.

Everyone has heard of Luxor and Thebes in some way: the temples of Karnak and Luxor, the Valley of Queens and Kings, the Colossi of Memnon and the Ramesseum, and the temple of Hatshepsut are all here.

In Aswan, there is a group of people who are Nubian, and there is a dam there that turned the Nile River into a lake, which makes it possible to harvest three times a year. Cities with names like El-Fayoum, Beni-Mazar, and El-Minya, which are hard to say, will show how people from the wealthy class live. Egypt also has nice villas and a high standard of living.

Visit Egypt with Egypt via travel

Check out our Egypt travel packages to see the beautiful landscapes and monuments of Egypt. If you want to see the temples and tombs of Upper Egypt, check out our Egypt Nile cruises.

Cairo, Egypt’s Capital

Egypt’s capital is Cairo. People say that it is the biggest city in both the Middle East and Africa. Because it has so many mosques, it is also called “the city of a thousand minarets.” Cairo is called “Al-Qahirah” in Arabic, which means “the one who wins.”

It is home to more than 20 million people. It is in the north of Egypt, south of Delta, and on the bank of the Nile river. It takes up 528 km2. The Suez Canal is 120 km away, and the south of the Mediterranean is 165 km away.

Cairo is a mix of many different cultures, including historical, modern, Coptic, and Islamic. People think of it as the entrance to Egypt because it is the centre from which you can go anywhere.

How Cairo came to be

The pyramids were built during the Old Empire, between the years 2635 and 2155 (dynasties III to VI), between the years 2635 and 2155.

Cairo’s history as we know it began in 116 BC. The Romans built a city and fortress that the Copts lived in for the first time.

Egypt was taken over by Muslims in the year 640. Amr Ibn Alas started “Fustat,” which is thought to be Egypt’s first capital and the centre of government. In this city, in the year 641 A.D., he built the Mosque of Amr Ibn Alas.

In 750 AD, Emperor Suleiman “of the Abbasids” started the city of Al-Askar as a military settlement. From this city, only the Mosque of Ahmed Ibn Tulun comes.

Gawhar “of the Fatimids” started Cairo and the Al-Azhar Mosque as the second Islamic university in the world in 969 A.D.

Saladin “of the Ayyubid dynasty” built the Citadel of Saladin in 1176 AD as a place to run the government.

Since the Ottoman Empire, it has been thought of as the capital of Egypt because of all the new mosques, markets, public baths, madrasas, and other buildings.

It is thought to be the most important city in Africa in 1340.

The weather in Cairo

In the summer, Cairo is dry, and in the winter, it rains about half as much as it does in the summer. From October to April, early spring, fall, and winter are the best times to visit this city and have a good time.

Things to do in Cairo

Cairo is full of places to visit and learn about history. The Pharaonic, Islamic, Christian, and Coptic styles are all mixed together. There are many mosques and churches there. The pyramids and the Great Egyptian Museum are also worth seeing.

1- The Pyramids in Giza

The three Pyramids of Giza (Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure) are the biggest and most well-known of Egypt’s pyramids. One of the seven ancient wonders of the world is the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

2- The Great Pyramid

It is in the same area as the three Pyramids of Giza. King Kephren made the Sphinx with the head of a person to represent intelligence and the body of a lion to represent strength.

3- Saladin’s Citadel

During the Ayyubid dynasty, it was the centre of government. Between 1176 and 1183 AD, Saladin built it. It has the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, which is one of the most well-known mosques.

4- The Khan El-Khalili Bazaar

A very important market with lots of shops selling things like coloured lamps, fabrics, jewellery, and more. People in Egypt and the Middle East know it better.

5- The Temple in the Valley

It is near the Great Sphinx in the Giza Complex. In this temple, the mummification process was done.

6- The Church That Was Hung

The Church of the Virgin Mary is another name for it. It is one of the oldest churches and is in Old Cairo. In the third or fourth century AD, it was built on top of a Roman fortress.

Egypt via travel will take you to Cairo.

Don’t miss the chance to get close to the land of the pharaohs and see the whole country on trips that are set up for you. If you want to learn more about this great culture, check out our Egypt tour packages and pick the trip to Egypt that you like best. Also, don’t miss the chance to take a cruise between Luxor and Aswan on the Nile.

Egypt Alexandria

Alexandria is thought of as Egypt’s second capital, and it was the capital of Ancient Egypt. “The Bride of the Mediterranean” is a name for it. It is 225 km from Cairo and is in the north of Egypt. It is on the west bank of the Nile and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It has been the main port of Egypt since ancient times because it has two ports. It is home to more than 4 million people.

What happened in Alexandria

In 332 B.C., Persia was in Egypt. When Alexander the Great, who is known as the “founder of Alexandria,” came to Egypt and defeated Persia, he thought about making Egypt’s capital city Alexandria.

Alexander chose Rakotis, which was across from Faro Island and where the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria was built, as the site for his city in 331 B.C.

(one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that was destroyed by earthquakes in the 14th century).

During the Ptolemaic, Roman, and Byzantine dynasties, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt for almost a thousand years, until Islam came to Egypt.

Alexandria’s weather

In the summer, it’s hot in Alexandria. In the winter, it’s cool and rainy. It rains the most in all of Egypt. From March to December, when the weather is nice and mild, is the best time to visit Alexandria.

What to See and Do in Alexandria

  • Library of Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria is well-known. It was started in the 3rd century BC by the Ptolemaic dynasty.

It had almost 700,000 manuscripts from Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, and other people. In 48 B.C., the library began to fall apart, and many of its books were burned. In 2002, he worked with UNESCO to rebuild the library. People think of it as Egypt’s cultural landmark because it has 8 million books.

  • The Qaitbey Citadel

It was built in the 1480s by Al-Ashraf Abu Alnasr Quaitbay. As a way to protect the city, it was built on the island and the remains of Faros.

  • The Kom el-Shogafa Catacombs

It was built when the Romans were in charge. Before it was a public cemetery, it was a private grave. It has 3 levels of tombs and chambers that have been dug out.

  • The Stone of Pompey

It is the biggest red granite column in Egypt. During the Roman era, S3e was built in honour of Emperor Diocletian.

Visit Egypt with Egypt via travel

Check out our Egypt travel packages to see the beautiful landscapes and monuments of Egypt. If you want to see the temples and tombs of Upper Egypt, check out our Nile cruises.

Egypt’s Luxor

For more than 1500 years, Luxor was the capital of Egypt. It has almost a third of the world’s monuments and temples that are still in good shape. It is where most of Egypt’s temples are found. One of the most popular places for tourists to visit in Egypt.

It is thought to be the best place to go in the winter to learn about history. It is in Upper Egypt on the east side of the Nile. It is 220 km north of Aswan and 700 km south of Cairo. It’s 416 km2. It is home to 500,000 people. It’s best to know about its great history.

How the Name Came to Be

The ancient Egyptians called it “Usat,” which means “sceptre,” and the Greeks called it “Thebes.” When the Arabs came to Egypt, they called it “Luxor or the city of 100 gates.” It was also known as the city of light and the city of the sun.

How Luxor came to be

The history of this city, which is one of the oldest in Egypt, goes back 7000 years. It was built during the fourth dynasty B.C. It was thought to be the tombs of ancient people. During the 11th dynasty, it was a centre for running the government.

Since the 11th dynasty, when it was the centre of art, religion, and politics, it has been very important. Amenophis I made it the capital of Egypt.

From the 18th to the 20th dynasty, the local god Amon became the chief god of cities, and the city began to grow as a religious, political, and military centre.

Because many temples were built by the pharaohs, the Arabs called it “Luxor and the city of 100 gates.” It was the capital of Egypt until the end of the XXXI dynasty in 332 BC, when Persia put an end to the Pharaonic dynasties.

The weather in Luxor

In the summer, Luxor is dry and hot, and in the winter, it is not too cold or too hot. Because of this, the best time to visit Luxor is at the start of spring, in the fall, and especially in the winter, when the weather is nice.

The Things to Do in Luxor

Luxor, also called “Ancient Thebes,” has a lot of historical places that are fun to see up close. It was where the god “Amon-Ra” lived, so the pharaohs built many temples there. It has almost 14 temples, but the Temple of Karnak is the most well-known. By taking a cruise down the Nile, you can see all of Upper Egypt’s history.

1- the Temple of Luxor.

One of the biggest temples is the Luxor Temple. In 1400 BC, during the 18th and 19th dynasties, Amenophis III and Ramsis II built it. It was called the Sanctuary of the South and was built for the god Amon, his wife Mut, and their son Jonsu.

2- The Karnak Temple

It is the country’s biggest temple. It is a religious complex of temples that was built between 2200 BC and 360 BC by more than 30 pharaohs, including Hatshepsut, Seti I, Ramses II, and Ramses III.

It has the Montu enclosure, the Mut enclosure, the Jonsu temple, the Opet temple, and the Ptah temple. The temple of Amon is the biggest one there. It also has a room with 134 columns that is more than 500 m2 in size.

3- Valley of the Kings

It has more than 60 tombs from the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties. The tombs are all different sizes. King Tuthmosis I of the 18th dynasty was the first king to be buried there. After him, many other kings were buried there, including Ramses III and Tuthmosis III. However, Tutankhamun’s tomb is the most famous one in the Valley of the Kings.

4- In the Valley of the Queens

It has a lot of tombs of princesses and pharaohs’ wives from the 18th, 19th, and 20th dynasties. The most well-known tomb in the Valley of the Queens is that of Ramses II’s wife, Queen Nefertari.

It was built by her husband Ramses II in 1290 BC. c. The ancients called the valley “the land of the king’s children,” but Champollion called it the Valley of the Queens.

5- The Colossi of Memnon

There are two statues of King Amenophis III there. The Colossi were built 3,400 years ago to protect the entrance to the temple of Amenophis, which was destroyed in 1200 BC.

6- The Hatchepsut Temple

People called him “Djoser-Djoser.” Queen Hatchepsut, who was the first woman to be pharaoh for 20 years, gave the order to build the Temple of Hatshepsut. The Temple of Deir El-Bahari is another name for it. The god Amon-Ra was honoured by it.

Egypt trip with Egypt via travel

Egypt is called the country of the pharaohs and the “cradle of civilization” because of its long history. On a Nile cruise, you can get close to the sights in Luxor and most of the temples in Luxor and Aswan. Check out our travel packages to Egypt and book your trip now.

Aswan, Egypt

Aswan is an important place for tourists to visit in Egypt. It has its own style and magic. Aswan is called “the city of Nubia” because it is on the Nile and has a pure Nile and Nubian atmosphere. It also has many historical sites.

It is in the south of Egypt, in Upper Egypt, at the end of the Nile Valley on the eastern side of the Nile. It is home to more than 300 thousand people. From Cairo, it is 1000 km, and from Luxor, it is 230 km. In the winter, it is the best place to go.

Aswan is known for the Nubian village, where you can take a tour to see the colourful houses and enjoy the village’s beauty. Throughout its history, Aswan has been known by many names.

How Names Came to Be

It was called “Sono” in ancient Egypt, which means “the great market.” During the time of the Ptolemies, it was called “Sein,” and during the time of the Copts, it was called “Suan.” When the Arabs came to Egypt, they gave it the name “Aswan.”

About Aswan’s past

  • In the 30th century B.C., when it was part of the Ancient Kingdom, it was important because it was the whole southern part of the country.
  • During the Middle Kingdom, it became a stronghold for the Egyptian army because the kings wanted to control more land to the south.
  • During the fights between the Egyptians and the Hyksos, it was also very important.
  • During the Ptolemaic dynasty, Isis was worshipped on Philae Island.
  • In the 5th century A.D., Pharaoh’s temples were turned into churches.
  • When Arabs came to Egypt in the seventh century A.D., Aswan grew because caravans went through it.
  • Muhammad Ali opened the first military school in Aswan in the year 1837 A.D.

What to See and Do in Aswan

Aswan is one of the best places to visit, and many people go there. It has places of historical interest, and you can also enjoy the clean Nile and the beautiful scenery. It also has bazaars where you can buy gifts with Pharaohs and Nubians on them.

1- Temple of Philae

It is a temple in Egypt that is still there. Isis, the goddess of the island, was honoured at the Temple of Philae. Until the third century A.D., it was built by Ptolemaic and Roman kings. It is not where it used to be because it was moved by water. In 1972, it was moved to a different island called Agilkia.

2- The Abu Simbel Temple

It is a group of two temples, one for King Ramses II and the other for Nefertari’s wife. It was put together from 1284 BC to 1264 BC. Between 1964 and 1968 a.c., the Temple of Abu Simbel was moved so it wouldn’t be destroyed by water. The Abu Simbel Festival on February 22 and October 22 is the most well-known.

3- The Obelisk That Isn’t Done

During the XVIIIth Dynasty, Queen Hatshepsut ordered the building of the Unfinished Obelisk. It is thought to be the longest obelisk ever built in Egypt. It is 1200 tonnes and 40 metres long. It is made out of red granite, which makes Aswan stand out. It is 1200 tonnes and 42 metres long.

4- The Dam

It was built between the 1960s and 1970s at the request of President Gamal Abd El-Naser. The High Dam is a very important way to stop the Nile from flooding and make electricity.

5- A creek on the Nile

The cruise on the Nile between Luxor and Aswan lets you see more temples, such as the Temple of Kom Ombo, which was built for the gods Horus and Sobek, and the Temple of Edfu, which was built for the god Horus and is the best preserved. You can also enjoy the beauty of the Nile.

Egypt via travel will show you the Cradle of Civilization.

Check out our Egypt vacation packages, take a cruise down the Nile to see the temples and tombs in Aswan and Luxor, and choose the trip that suits you best.