Library of Alexandria

Alexandria’s magnificent library is a treasure trove of knowledge.

Egypt is a diverse country with a diverse range of places. The major towns of the Mediterranean region brought substantial libraries with them. Alexandria, known as “the Pearl of the Mediterranean,” is a fascinating city that draws visitors because of its natural beauty and pleasant environment.

There are several attractions in Alexandria, but its library is the most well-known. The Library of Alexandria is often regarded as the most important tourist attraction in Alexandria. There was a point in history when it was home to the biggest library on the planet. In terms of size, it is the biggest library in Egypt.

The Alexandria Library’s illustrious past

Ptolemy I of Alexandria began construction on the first Library of Alexandria in the third century. It was finished by his son Ptolemy II, who also completed the link to the museum. The library was constructed by the Ptolemies in order to preserve Greek civilisation.

During the third century, the library had a collection of about 400 thousand volumes. The Library, which dates back to the 5th century, has 700 thousand volumes. Initially, the Library exclusively contained books written in Greek, but as time went on, it began to hold works of relevance written in any language. It was the first time that the Library was destroyed by fire, which occurred in 84 B.C.

After then, there were a number of assaults by Christians and Arabs, as well as a devastating earthquake. The Library was restored in 1986 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The new Library of Alexandria, which houses more than 20 million volumes, opened its doors in 2002.

The Library of Alexandria was built over a period of many years.

The design is in the manner of Norway. It has an area of 80 m2. Calligraphy in many languages is adorned with calligraphy in granite, cement, and glass, which dates the building.

The deity Ra is shown on the book’s cover (god of the south). The sun is reflected off the glass panels and towards the Mediterranean. There includes a science museum, a calligraphy museum, and an archaeology museum, among others.

A manuscript restoration laboratory, a meeting facility, an art gallery, and a printing press are all available on the premises. In the heart of the Library, there is a hypostyle reading room with a capacity of 2 thousand people that serves as a meeting space. In addition, there are six specialist libraries, one of which is devoted exclusively to children.

Books; the Library has a significant collection of books, almost 20 million in total. Some of these books are first editions or very rare. There are 50 thousand maps, 100 thousand manuscripts, 50 thousand unique books, and 100 thousand audio recordings in the collection.

multimedia, 50 thousand visual multimedia, and a slew of additional options

Excursions to Alexandria are available.

The Library of Alexandria is a popular tourist destination in Alexandria, and it is worth seeing. In addition to Alexandria, Egypt via travel provides you the option to visit other sites in Egypt such as Cairo and a Nile cruise between Luxor and Aswan. Take a look at our numerous holiday packages to Egypt to find out more and select your ideal trip.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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