Giza Pyramids Complex

The beautiful Pyramids of Giza

The Giza Pyramids Complex is the only place on Earth where the true meaning of the word “majestic” can be seen in a building. The Great Pyramid of Giza is the only one of the seven ancient wonders of the world that is still standing. It is part of a complex with two other pyramids. Each pyramid is impressive in its own way and shows a level of political and economic stability.

The Complex is one of the last intact prehistoric monuments on Earth. It was built during the 4th dynasty (2613–2493 B.C.) in the time of the ancient empire (2686–2181 B.C. ), more than 4000 years ago, and it still has the heart and soul of everything you see.

It has three pyramids built by Cheops, Chephren, and Menkaure, who wanted to look at time and make sure that their names and legacies would last forever. Each pharaoh built a pyramid to be his final resting place and help his soul reach the heavens.

The Temple of the Valley is right next to the pyramids. This is where kings and queens were mummified and made ready to cross over. The Complex is 9 kilometres west of the Nile River, in the western desert. 13 kilometres to the south-southwest of the centre of Cairo. The only guardian of Egypt, “The Great Sphinx,” keeps an eye on the complex.

What will you find in the complex of the pyramids at Giza?

King Cheops’s Great Pyramid (Khufu)

The Great Pyramid is the last ancient wonder that hasn’t been touched by people. It was built for King Khufu between 2580 and 2560 B.C., when Egypt was an empire. It took 20 years to build.

The Greeks called him King Cheops. It stood 147 metres (481 feet) tall and was the tallest building in the world for more than 3800 years, until Lincoln’s Cathedral was built in 1311. It was built by 10,000 skilled workers with 2.3 million blocks of limestone. Each block weighed 2.5 tonnes.

It was made by the vizier of the pharaoh Khufu, whose name was “Hem-Iunu.” He used the resources of the golden age of the ancient empire to make a true architectural masterpiece.

King Chephren’s Pyramid (Khafre)

King Khafre had the second-largest pyramid in Egypt built (2558-2532 BC). In the year 2540 B.C., during the 4th Dynasty, Jafra, who was Jufu’s son, wanted to build a building like the one his father had built. The Greeks called this building Chephren. It stands 136.4 metres (448 feet) tall and has a base that is 215.5 metres (706 feet) wide. It is also made of limestone and has a 51.50.24-degree angle. In front of the Pyramid is the guardian of Egypt’s famous “Sphinx.” This is the world’s oldest statue, and it was made to look like Pharaoh Jafra.

King Mykerinos’ (Menkaure’s) Pyramid:

The one that is the smallest of the three. It was built in 2510 BC at the request of King Menkaure, the sixth king of the IV Dynasty, to be his tomb. It is made of limestone on the outside and granite stone on the inside. It stands 61 metres (204 feet) tall on a base that is 108.5 metres wide and has a 51° 20′ 25′′ angle. Granite is used to build the inside of the pyramid.

Giza’s Great Sphinx

Ancient Egyptians made sphinxes as signs of strength and intelligence. This is why it was important to give them a lion’s body and a human head, which represent the power and strength of the King. The Pharaohs thought of the lion as a strong protector, so they used it on their amulets, furniture, and temple doors. The Great Sphinx of Giza is the most well-known sphinx. The Great Sphinx is the world’s oldest and biggest. There are a lot of questions about when it was built and why it doesn’t have a nose.

Read about the meanings of ancient Egyptian symbols.

Learn about the history of Egyptian culture.

Egypt’s history is full of interesting things, so don’t miss the chance to see and learn about the hidden world of the Pyramid Complex of Giza. Check out our vacation packages to Egypt and Nile cruises to enjoy your trip to the land of the pharaohs.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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