Citadel of Saladin

Saladin’s Castle

The Citadel of Saladin: Egypt has more to offer tourists than just pharaohs. Especially in Cairo, the capital of Egypt, there are many pharaonic, Islamic, Coptic, modern, and Christian elements. In the Middle Ages, Islamic Arabs moved to Egypt and started to build their civilization there. Cairo is called “The City of a Thousand Minarets” because there are so many Islamic places, especially mosques, there.

The Citadel of Saladin is one of the most well-known Islamic places in the world (it is also known by the name The Citadel of Cairo). The Citadel is one of the most interesting places to visit in Cairo because of how important it is in history and how beautiful it looks. People thought of the Citadel as a city inside another city. It was built by the Ayub dynasty on the top of Mount Moqatam in the 12th century AD.

How The Citadel of Saladin Came to Be

Saladin was the first person to be in charge of the Ayub dynasty. He was in Cairo for almost 8 years and ruled Egypt from 1171 to 1193. Saladin told his Vizier Bahaa El-Din Karakosh to build a citadel on Mount Moqatam to protect the city from the Crusaders, give the king a place to live if enemies took over Cairo, and defend the city from the Crusaders.

The buildings and tombs that were here were destroyed by the Vizier Bahaa El-Din, who then started building the Citadel. Saladin died in 1193, before he could finish building the Citadel. His Vizier finished building it until the year 1204 AD. Saladin’s brother, El-Malek El-Adel, was the first person to live in the citadel.

When the French came to the Citadel in 1798, they destroyed a lot of it. In 1830, Muhammad Ali put his name on a mosque (the most famous place in the Citadel). For 700 years, until Khedive Ishmael built Abdin Palace in the 1860s, it was the centre of government. In 1882, it was where the British army was based. Since 1983, the Egyptian Antiquities Authority has been in charge of it.

Putting together the citadel

The Citadel was built between Cairo, which was the capital of the Fatimids, and Fustat, which was the ancient capital for 500 years. It was meant to be a safe place for people to go when enemies took over the city. It was built high on Mount Moqatam so that everyone in Old Cairo could see it. There are great views of Cairo from the south of the Citadel.

The Citadel is split into two main parts: the southern part, where the king lives and has a large palace, and the northern part (as a military fort with great walls guarded north and east sides).

Walls and towers: The Citadel was surrounded by several walls and towers. Every 100 m, a tower with openings to keep out attacks was built. Borg Al-Rama (Sand Tower) and Borg Al-Hatad are the two main towers (Blacksmith Tower).

There are many entrances to the Citadel. The main gate is the Moqattam Gate, which was built during the time of the Ottoman Empire. There is also a new gate, which Muhammad Ali built in 1827.

The hole; In the Citadel, there is a large water well called Josef’s well. It goes down 90 m. It has two parts: one for the bulls (to move the Ferris wheel) and one for the water (to the soldiers).

Inside the Fortress

Since the Citadel was built, kings and other rulers have built on it.

  • The most well-known place in the Citadel is the Mosque of Muhammad Ali. The Alabaster Mosque is what people call it. From 1830 to 1849, Muhammad Ali built it. It has two parts: Bait Al-Sala (the place of worship) and Al-Sahn (great courtyard of ablution).
  • Qaser Al-Gawhara. It’s also called the Palace of Jewels. It was given the name of the woman who was married to Muhammad Ali (Gawhara). The home of Muhammad Ali is there. It was built in 1814 to the southeast of the Citadel in the Ottoman style.
  • Inside the Palace, there is a lathe of Muhammad Ali, furniture, costumes, and a gallery of portraits of Egypt’s rulers made by Muhammad Ali. It is well-known for the Citadel massacre, in which Muhammad Ali killed the Mamluks.
  • In 1318, the first building on the Citadel was the Mosque of El-Naser Muhammad. People in Cairo thought of it as the official mosque.

Other things to do inside the Citadel;

  • Muhammad Ali built the Military Museum, which is where he looks at the history of Egypt’s military.
  • Reya and Sekina’s pictures were in the Police Museum (the serial killers in the 20th century in Alexandria).
  • Muhammad Ali went to the Museum of Carriages.
  • In 1318, the first building in the Citadel was the Mosque of El-Naser Muhammad. People in Cairo thought of it as the official mosque.
  • During the Ottoman era, the Soliman Pacha Mosque was built.
  • The Al-Refai Mosque and the Sultan Hassan Mosque.

Egypt via travel can help you see the sights in Cairo.

There are many interesting places in Cairo. Do not pass up the chance to see a great view of Cairo from the top of the Citadel and to visit other places in Cairo. Check out our Egypt vacation packages or Nile cruises to see which one is right for you.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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