Egypt Alexandria

Alexandria is thought of as Egypt’s second capital, and it was the capital of Ancient Egypt. “The Bride of the Mediterranean” is a name for it. It is 225 km from Cairo and is in the north of Egypt. It is on the west bank of the Nile and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It has been the main port of Egypt since ancient times because it has two ports. It is home to more than 4 million people.

What happened in Alexandria

In 332 B.C., Persia was in Egypt. When Alexander the Great, who is known as the “founder of Alexandria,” came to Egypt and defeated Persia, he thought about making Egypt’s capital city Alexandria.

Alexander chose Rakotis, which was across from Faro Island and where the famous Lighthouse of Alexandria was built, as the site for his city in 331 B.C.

(one of the seven wonders of the ancient world that was destroyed by earthquakes in the 14th century).

During the Ptolemaic, Roman, and Byzantine dynasties, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt for almost a thousand years, until Islam came to Egypt.

Alexandria’s weather

In the summer, it’s hot in Alexandria. In the winter, it’s cool and rainy. It rains the most in all of Egypt. From March to December, when the weather is nice and mild, is the best time to visit Alexandria.

What to See and Do in Alexandria

  • Library of Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria is well-known. It was started in the 3rd century BC by the Ptolemaic dynasty.

It had almost 700,000 manuscripts from Greeks, Egyptians, Jews, and other people. In 48 B.C., the library began to fall apart, and many of its books were burned. In 2002, he worked with UNESCO to rebuild the library. People think of it as Egypt’s cultural landmark because it has 8 million books.

  • The Qaitbey Citadel

It was built in the 1480s by Al-Ashraf Abu Alnasr Quaitbay. As a way to protect the city, it was built on the island and the remains of Faros.

  • The Kom el-Shogafa Catacombs

It was built when the Romans were in charge. Before it was a public cemetery, it was a private grave. It has 3 levels of tombs and chambers that have been dug out.

  • The Stone of Pompey

It is the biggest red granite column in Egypt. During the Roman era, S3e was built in honour of Emperor Diocletian.

Visit Egypt with Egypt via travel

Check out our Egypt travel packages to see the beautiful landscapes and monuments of Egypt. If you want to see the temples and tombs of Upper Egypt, check out our Nile cruises.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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