Kharga Oasis

Information about Kharga Oasis:

What is Egypt’s biggest oasis?

The Kharga Oasis is the most interesting oasis in Egypt.

Egypt’s oases are thought to be one of the most important places for tourists to visit.

Kharga, Egypt, is thought to be Egypt’s largest oasis.

Where is al Kharga Oasis, the great oasis?

It is in the Western Desert, 200 km from the Nile Valley, making it the closest oasis to the valley. It is 602 km from Cairo.

The oasis with the most people in Egypt, with more than 100,000 people living there. know Egypt Oases: How many are there?

Also, the capital city of “Wadi El-Gedid,” which means “New Valley,” is known for its ceramics.

How Kharga Oasis came to be:

The Romans called Kharga Oasis the Oasis Magna. The ancient Egyptians called it the Southern Oasis.

In ancient Egypt, it was important.

In the 12th Dynasty, it was important because it was a place where caravans stopped.

The caravans went along the Forty Way, which goes through both Egypt and Sudan.

During the 12th Dynasty, the oasis grew and became a safe place for Christians who were being persecuted by the Roman Empire. During this time, the Romans also built fortified cities of different sizes, temples, and cemeteries.

Meteorite iron from al Kharga Oasis is used to make the famous dagger of King Tutankhamen.

Herodotus, a Greek historian, said that the Oasis is where the Persian king Campus and his army stopped to rest on their way to Siwa Oasis to destroy the temple of Amun-Zeus. After that, the king and his army vanished.

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Kharga Oasis’s Temples:

The Museum of Antiquities is where things from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages that were found in,

Also, it was put on display and built in a Christian style.

The city of Hibis, which was the capital of al Kharga Egypt, was called Hibis.

The only thing that is left of this city is this temple.

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It was built during the XXV Dynasty and was a place of worship for the gods Amon, Mut, and Junsu.

There are sphinxes, patios, and a sanctuary in the hypostyle room with reliefs of the god Set and the corridor.

The Cemetery of El-Baghat

There are more than 263 adobe tombs from the 4th to the 6th centuries in a Christian cemetery.

It has paintings on its walls that show how the Israelis left Egypt and went to Kharga Oasis.

Qasr al Ghuta

The god Amun was honoured by the sand temple, which was built during the XXV dynasty.

Mut and Junsu, as well as reliefs of the god Haby and a few High Egyptian nomos symbols.

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Qasr al-Zayn

A sandstone temple built by the Greeks and Romans and dedicated to the god Amon.

The building also has a courtyard with a sanctuary and a room with a staircase.

A beautiful place to visit in Egypt Also, that was an important part of Egypt’s civilization.

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About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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