Egypt’s climate and weather throughout the year

In general, Egypt’s summers are sunny and dry, and its winters are mild and rainy. From October to April, fall, winter, and early spring are the best times to visit Egypt. This is when you can see a lot of historical sites and do a lot of things, like take a Nile cruise, ride a camel, and do many other things in Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Alexandria.

But in the summer, you can enjoy the beauty of the cities along the Red Sea and do water sports like scuba diving, snorkelling, and many others.

Egypt has winter

Between December 22 and March 21. Winter is mild, and it rains a lot. This is a popular time for tourists to go to Cairo, Luxor, and Aswan because they can all be visited. During the winter, the temperatures are;

  • How hot or cold it was in Egypt in December.

It is the best time for people from outside Egypt to visit. Most of the time, the weather is mild, with temperatures between 23° C and 15° C and little humidity and rain. They celebrate Christmas and the start of a new year, which is a great time to see everything and take a cruise down the Nile. How hot it was in Egypt in January

  • The best time to visit Egypt is in January

when it is winter all over the country. Temperatures range from 8° C to 24° C, and it rains some days in Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan. However, Hurgada and Sharm el-Sheikh, which are near the Red Sea, have more tropical weather. There is also the best time to celebrate Christmas and the start of the new year. How hot or cold it is in Egypt in February

  • Egypt is easier to see and enjoy in February

Because the temperature is almost 19° C and it rains less in Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan, and it’s a little warmer in the cities on the Red Sea. People say that this is the end of winter and the start of spring. Also, on February 22, there is a wonderful “Abu Simbel festival” at the Temple of Abu Simbel.

  • How hot it was in Egypt in March

March is the start of spring and the weather is mild, warm, sunny, and cloudy. The temperature is almost 23° C, and sometimes it’s less than 12° C or there’s not much rain in any country, including Cairo, where the temperature is 18°C. This month, the best place to go is Hurgada, where the weather is tropical.

Egypt in the spring:

Between March 20 and June 20. It is thought to be one of the best times to visit Egypt. The temperature is about average, except on days when there is a spring wind, which is a warm wind with a lot of sand. In Egypt, this wind is called “Khamsin,” and in Europe, it is called “Sirocco.” How warm it gets in the spring;

  • How hot it was in Egypt in April

April marks the start of spring, which comes before the hot weather of summer. Temperatures reach 28° C. On the first Monday of April, the Egyptians celebrate “Sham el-Nasim,” which marks the start of spring. Hurgada, El Gouna, and Sharm el-Sheikh are warm, with a temperature of 27°C, but the beaches are cooler because of the sea breeze.

  • How hot it was in Egypt in June

At the start of summer, the temperature rises and stays between 20° C and 38° C without rain. Because of this, Hurgada, Sharm el-Sheikh, and other coastal places are thought to be the best places to enjoy the beaches and do many things, while Aswan and Luxor are hot.

Egypt in the summer:

Between June 20 and December 22. Especially in Upper Egypt, the summers are hot. Because of the sea breeze, the best places to go in Egypt on these hot days are Hurgada, El Gouna, and Sharm El-Sheikh, which are on the coast of the Red Sea.

You can enjoy the beach and the beauty of the Red Sea in these places. Alexandria is also a good choice this time of year because the weather in the Mediterranean is cooler. How hot it gets during the summer;

  • How hot it was in Egypt in July

July is the hottest month, with temperatures between 22° C and 34° C. Because of this, it is best to visit coastal cities like Hurgada and Sharm el-Sheikh, as well as coastal cities in general.

  • How hot it was in Egypt in August

August is the last month of summer. It is still hot, with a high of 34° C, but only in the morning. At night, it gets much cooler, with a low of almost 22° C. At the moment, Upper Egypt’s coastal cities and historical sites are better.

Fall in Egypt

fresh that lets you visit historical sites and cruise the Nile between Luxor and Aswan, where historical places like the Temple of Abu Simbel, the Temple of Edfu, the Temple of Kom Ombo, the Temple of Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, and many others stand out. What the weather is like in the fall;

  • The weather in Egypt in September was

This month, the weather is mild, and the temperature ranges from 33° C in the morning to 20° C at night. At the end of September, it’s fall, and it’s starting to get a little bit cold. At this time of year, the cities of Upper Egypt are not too hot, and the cities along the coast are beautiful.

  • How hot it was in Egypt in October

There is fall weather that is neither too hot nor too cold. In the morning, it is 30° C and in the evening, it is 18° C. This is the best time for tourists to visit Upper Egypt and historic places like Abu Simbel.

  • How hot or cold it is in Egypt in November

With rain, the temperature ranges from 25° C to 14° C. This time of year is the best time to go to Egypt and see all of its historical and coastal places, like Cairo and Alexandria.

Look at our private tours.

Everyone can find something to enjoy in Egypt at any time of the year. You can look at our Egypt trip packages to learn more about this country, its people, its history, and its beauty. Also, it looks at our Egypt Nile Cruises and picks the trip that it likes best.

Is Egypt safe to visit in 2021?

Egypt is always thought of as a place to visit because it has a very old civilization. Egypt, which is known as “the cradle of civilization and the land of the pharaohs,” wants to make sure that tourists are safe. But right now, is it safe to go to Egypt?

The government of Egypt’s efforts to keep tourists safe.

The Egyptian government does a lot to make sure that tourists can visit and enjoy their trips at any time of the year. In the face of terrorist attacks, Egypt does everything it can to stay the safest and most stable country in the world. These are the most recent things to happen in Egypt:

1- The Valley of Smart in Egypt

It’s only 20 minutes from downtown Cairo and 10 km from the Giza Pyramids. It’s almost 300 acres big. It was built to help the IT industry and get foreign companies to set up offices in Egypt.

2- The Opera House in Alexandria

It was named after Said Darwish, an Egyptian singer and composer who was very well known. It is known for the ballet and dance performances put on by companies from all over the world.

3-The Big Egyptian Museum

It will be the biggest museum of ancient artefacts in the world. It is 2 kilometres from the Pyramids of Giza and takes up 50 hectares of land. It has more than 155,000 artefacts from Ancient Egypt. It is made to look like a triangle.

There is a Children’s Museum, an Educational Center, and a Conference Center in this Great Museum. In 2021, it will be open to the public. Read more about the Grand Egyptian Museum here.

Is it safe to take a boat down the Nile?

It’s not dangerous to cruise on the Nile, and it’s worth it because it’s interesting, especially the Nile Cruise between Aswan and Luxor, which lets you walk around Edfu and Kom Ombo and see many historical sites in these cities.

The number of tourists in Egypt.

Egypt’s tourism industry is very important. It is equal to 11% of Egypt’s total national income. From 1982 to 2018, the average number of tourists was 478,12,000. In 2010, the number of tourists reached 14 billion, according to statistics from the Egyptian government in New York.

Egypt now gets a lot of tourists every year who want to learn more about the Pharaonic civilization.

How to Have a Safe and Memorable Stay in Egypt

  • Know where most people from other countries go.
  • Stay away from protests and crowded places.
  • Get your passport and visa ready so you can safely travel to Egypt.
  • Take the medicines you need with you on the trip.
  • Know that Egypt has 9 international airports, with the Airport of Cairo being the most important.
  • Read carefully about how safe Egypt is.
  • Use the weather tables to pick the best time to go to Egypt.
  • Find the best place to book travel.
  • You know how much money you need because you know how Egyptian money works.
  • Think about the Egyptian way of life and its customs.
  • Dress in clothes that fit the weather and the culture of Egypt.
  • If you want to try Egyptian food, you should know what people usually eat.

Why is travelling with a travel agency safe?

With the help of a travel agency, the trip is set up and planned. The travel agent knows about the place you’re going, which makes your trip easier. It is very important to choose the best travel agency with the best equipment and the most experienced guides to finish the official paperwork, make reservations, and plan everything on the trip from the time tourists arrive at the airport in Egypt until they finish the trip and return to the airport to go home. Check out our best tours of Egypt.

When it’s best to go to Egypt.

From October to April, especially in December and January, the weather is best for visiting historic sites. But during the summer, it’s better to go to cities along the Red Sea.

Best cities in Egypt:

– Cairo (the capital of Egypt)

The Cheops, Kefren, and Mycerinos Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza are the most well-known. The Valley Temple and the City of Memphis are also in Giza. The mummies were put to rest in the Valley Temple. Khan El-bazaar Khalili’s is both a great market and the Great Egyptian Museum. On the Nile, you can take a cruise.

– Luxor (ancient Thebes)

Most of Egypt’s monuments are in this city. The Temple of Luxor, the Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Hatshepsut, and the Valley of the Kings are all popular tourist destinations.

– Aswan, Egypt (Nubia)

The best places to see history in Aswan are the Temple of Abu Simbel and the Temple of Philae. Also, there are many bazaars where you can buy gifts. The longest structure in Egypt is the Unfinished Obelisk. The best cruise on the Nile is between Luxor and Aswan, so you can see the Temple of Edfu and the Temple of Kom Ombo.

– The city of Alexandria (Pearl of the Mediterranean)

It’s right on the Mediterranean Sea. The Citadel of Quality and the Library of Alexandria are two things that make it well-known. Also, the Pillar of Pompey and the Catacombs are two of Alexandria’s most popular tourist destinations.

Cities of the Red Sea

Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Marsa Alam, and El Gouna are all popular tourist spots because they have beautiful scenery. Most people go to Hurgada because it has a desert where they can go on safari. You can also do water sports and enjoy the beaches’ beauty.

Pick the Tour you like best.

You can learn about Egypt’s history and see its beautiful landscapes on our trip there. Visit amazing historical places like the Pyramids of Giza, the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and the Temple of Abu Simbel. Check out our Egypt travel packages to see all the different places you can go and take a cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.