Going to Egypt by Yourself!

Egypt is known as the land of the pharaohs and as a place to visit. Egypt is where an ancient civilization began. Because of this, many people all over the world want to visit Egypt.

But they always wonder if a trip to Egypt, especially for a woman travelling alone, is safe or not. Here are the answers to some of the most common questions about going to Egypt by yourself.

1- Does Harassment Happen in Egypt?

Harassment happens everywhere, and it also happens in Egypt. The best way to avoid being harassed is to just ignore it, keep going on your trip, and enjoy every moment of it. When you’re in trouble, the tourist police are always there to help.

2 – What to do before it starts?

The best way to deal with this problem is to ignore it, but if it keeps going on, you can scream and call the police. To stay safe on your trip, you should also go with a tour guide.

3- Is it better to go on a trip with a group?

It’s safer to travel with other people, so this is a great idea. When you travel in a group, you can go to many important places at a set time and have less contact with the locals. [check out our group tours of Egypt]

4- What should I do in Egypt?

Families go for walks in the streets at night in many cities like Cairo and Luxor, which is fun for women who are travelling alone. Most cheap hotels are good for women who are travelling alone because they make them feel safer and more comfortable. [Check out our Egypt tours for single travellers]

5- How do I travel around Egypt?

Women who go to Egypt alone can take a taxi, Uber, or Careem (they are the safest transports). Egypt has a lot of cheap public transportation options. In Cairo, there are special subway cars for women, and it’s best to sit next to a woman on a bus.

6- What should I wear to Egypt?

It must remember that both the Muslim and Christian cultures in Egypt are very traditional. So, it’s always best to wear long clothes that cover your knees, upper arms, and neckline. Cover your head with the veil when you go to a mosque, if you are a woman. On the beach, short clothes are best.

7- How to Choose a Safe Hotel.

Hotels are the safest places to be because they have security at the doors and inside. When choosing a hotel, it’s a good idea to look for one that has a good reputation. When you go out, you should also have the hotel’s information in case you get lost and don’t know how to get back. We can help you get in touch with us.

8- Start with a guide from the area.

As a local guide, a woman is better because she knows everything about the country and its historical sites. [Egypt via travel can help you plan your trip.]

9- Knowing where you’re going.

It’s a good idea to find out as much as you can about the places you want to visit and plan and organise your trip. You can do this by looking at government websites, travel blogs, and public forums, or by going to the places yourself. Learn the names of the places you visit and a few Arabic words, such as:

  • Salam or Marhaba : Hello
  • Betetklem inglizi : Do you speak English?
  • Gamil : Nice
  • Ismi : I am… or My name is …
  • Shukran : Thank you
  • Afwan : You are welcome (Shukran’s reply)

10- Do you have a spouse?

When you talk to locals in tourist areas, it’s best to say you’re married, because they respect that and won’t be as aggressive with you.

11- Don’t give out any personal information.

It’s normal to give someone your phone number or a social network like Facebook or WhatsApp after talking to them, but it’s not a good idea to talk to the locals after that.

12- Make plans to go to Egypt.

Egypt is a great country with a mix of modern and ancient things. It has a long and interesting history, historical artefacts, cultural adventures, and a lot of things to do that can keep you busy from evening to morning.

To go to Egypt, you can look at our Egypt travel packages, go on a Nile cruise, or visit Cairo, Alexandria, Luxor, and Aswan to see the beautiful gems in these ancient cities.

How to Pack for a Trip to Egypt: The Basics

When a person learns about Egypt’s history and the amazing and historical places and monuments it has, they want to go there. The Great Pyramid, one of the seven ancient wonders of the world, is in Giza. The Great Sphinx is also there.

The “Khan el-Khalili” market in Cairo is one of the oldest in the Middle East. The beaches in Hurgada and Sharm el-Sheikh and the temples in Luxor and Aswan. You should bring these things to Egypt so you can enjoy everything there:


You should always keep the originals of your passport, visa, travel insurance, and credit card information in a safe place. If you have a discount card like the International Student Identification Card (ISIC), bring it with you to save some money on the entrance fees to important historical sites.

If you need to go to the doctor, you must have travel insurance. Also, you need to know the hotel’s information and leave a copy of your papers with a friend or family member.

Cash or a credit card?

People can use cards in historical sites and other places because there are ATMs in a lot of places. But you also need Egyptian pounds for small purchases, taking a taxi, and shopping at some stores. Because there isn’t enough cash in Egypt, some hotels and stores ask for payment in dollars. A money bag is a good place to put your cash.


Some basic clothes are needed, like a light jacket, shirts, which are usually made of cotton, sunglasses, an umbrella, a hat, a bathing suit, socks, and underwear. Because you go to many places and walk a lot, it’s best to wear shoes that are easy on your feet.

It’s also better to wear long clothes because sometimes it’s cooler at night, but women must cover their heads and bodies in religious places like mosques.

Items that are electronic

To charge your cell phone, laptop, or other devices, you should bring a portable charger, portable WIFI, a universal travel adapter, and power strips. You also need an Egyptian SIM card if you want to talk to other people.


There should be a first-aid kit and some important things in the carry-on luggage. The kit should have a lot of things, but the most important ones are antiseptics like alcohol, gel, and antibacterial soap for the hands, gauze, bandages, scissors, and some basic medicines like medicines for diarrhoea, pain, and stomach pain. Use sunscreen and eye drops to keep your eyes moist, especially in the summer.

Having a good time in Egypt

Egypt has a lot to offer, like beautiful landscapes, the beauty of the sea, and places with a long history, like those in Luxor, Aswan, and Cairo. Don’t pass up the chance to visit this country with our Egypt travel packages or Nile cruise.

What does Ramadan mean?

In the Islamic calendar, the month of Ramadan is the ninth lunar month. The fifth pillar of the Islamic religion is fasting during Ramadan.

This holy month is a time for reflection, reading the Qur’an, and helping the poor, but the most important thing to do is fast from dawn to dusk, with some exceptions for the elderly, sick, children, women who are pregnant, and others.

During the month of Ramadan, you eat twice a day. The first meal, called “El Fitar,” is when you break your fast in the evening. The second meal, called “Al Sohor,” is before sunrise. You can eat and drink from the end of the fast until dawn.

Normal Life During Ramadan?

During the day, life goes on at the usual slow pace. Everyone is at work, but many restaurants and cafes are closed.

Many people think that you can’t get food or drinks, but that’s not true. Restaurants and cafes are open, especially in tourist areas where people know that most visitors don’t follow Islam.

Because of this, you can see all the sights in all of Egypt’s cities. Everyone is out having fun on the streets at night, the restaurants are open, and everything is full of life.

Egypt has many customs for Ramadan.

Traditions of Egypt on the Streets During Ramadan

Because Egyptians like to celebrate, there are many ways to celebrate on the streets of Egypt during Ramadan. Traditional Ramadan decorations in all Egyptian cities include white, blue, and red colours and beautiful lights that light up the streets and the night sky.

The Arabian Ramadan lanterns (called “Fanos” in Arabic) are the most well-known decorations for Ramadan. They are an Egyptian tradition and come in many different sizes and colours. Some are used to decorate houses, streets, restaurants, and cafes, while others with songs are used as games for children.

People say that lighthouses have been around since the Fatimid era, when the Fatimid caliph ordered them to be hung in the streets to light them up.

The tents of Ramadan, which are some tents in the street with a long table and a lot of chairs, are another tradition that shows the Egyptians’ sense of community. This is where the poor and everyone else can get a free breakfast.

The red, blue, and white fabrics in these Ramadan tents are decorated with Islamic and Egyptian designs, big lights, and even headlights.

During Ramadan, you can also see the drummer, who walks around with a drum before sunrise to wake people up and tell them to eat their “Al Sohor” meals before the fasting hours start. This custom dates back to the time of the Ottomans because it hasn’t changed and is still done in some streets of the country.

You can find more of these traditions all over Egypt, but they are especially popular in Old Cairo and Islamic “Fatimid Cairo,” such as in the street of El Muez, where you can enjoy traditional festivals, The Bazaar of Jan El Jalili, around the Mosques of Al Azhar and Al Hussein, and in some parts of Alexandria.

Food and drink that are common during Ramadan

Breakfast meals during Ramadan are the same as they are the rest of the year. This means that rice, soup, chicken, meat, and vegetables with tomato sauce are used. However, beans, eggs, cheese, and yoghurt are traditional for the “Al Sohor” meal.

But the month of Ramadan is known for its oriental desserts, especially “Kataif,” which is a pancake or dough filled with nuts or cream, “Konafa,” which is a thread-shaped dough, and many other desserts that are sold in all dessert shops and restaurants during the month.

Egyptian drinks during Ramadan include “Karkadeh,” which is made from the juice of a type of rose petal, “Kamar Eldin,” which is made from the juice of a dry apricot, “Tamr Hindi,” which is made from tamarind, and more oriental drinks. You can’t forget “tea,” which is the main drink after breakfast.

The Final Weeks of Ramadan

In the last few days of Ramadan, the celebrations change to get ready for Eid El Fitr, the Feast of Breakfast, which starts after the end of Ramadan and marks the start of breakfast and the new month. Different kinds of cookies are made in different ways and shapes in stores and people’s homes.

Egypt’s Ramadan With Egypt via travel.

Ramadan is a special time in Egypt. It is the best time to try all the Egyptian traditions that mix Islamic and oriental elements. This is why trips to Egypt or cruises along the Nile during this time are thought to be unique.

Why would you want to go to Egypt?

Egypt, which is known as “the land of pharaohs,” draws people from all over the world because of its rich history. Egypt is not just a country with a lot of history; it also has many beautiful places, such as the Red Sea and the Nile River.

1-The Big Story of Ancient Egypt

  • The Nile River is thought to be the key to Egypt’s history and culture. Because the land around the Nile is so fertile, most of the people live there.
  • The most important pyramids in Egypt are the three Giza Pyramids of the Egyptian kings Cheops (Jufu), Kefren (Jafra), and Mincerinos (Menkaura). They are made to look like tombs and have some rooms inside.
  • The Great Pyramid of Cheops, which was built during the IV dynasty, is thought to be the most important and is one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
  • Egypt’s capital city in the past was Alexandria. In 331 BC, Alexander the Great, who was known as “the king of Macedonia,” founded Alexandria. It is well known for its Library, which has a lot of books.
  • Modern Egypt was founded in 1953, and it has a rich history that sets it apart from other countries.

2- Ancient Egyptians who lived forever

Egypt is known as the “land of the pharaohs” because of the great pharaohs who led Egypt from its first dynasty to the modern country with its beautiful cities.

3- The Most Important Building in Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians thought there was life after death, so they built temples and tombs so their treasures could go with them. The Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Luxor, the Temple of Abu Simbel, the Temple of Valle, the Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Ramses, and the mastabas “tombs” are the most important temples and tombs. [Learn more about the symbols of ancient Egypt and what they meant.]

4- The things the ancient Egyptians came up with

The Pharaohs made many things to help them build their tombs and temples, but they didn’t know much about what would happen to them after they died. They were known for what they knew about astronomy, geometry, math, building, roads, medicine, orthopaedics, condoms, papyrus paper, and many other things.

5- The ancient Egyptian practise of mummification

Ancient Egyptians thought that people would live forever after they died, so they mummified their bodies to keep them safe. How mummies are made and how they are put together:

  • After two days, embalmers give the dead person a good bath.
  • Remove the organs inside the body, such as the stomach, intestines, lungs, and liver. After wrapping these organs in linen cloth, they were put in Canopic Vessels, which were also called “sons of Horus.” The stomach was represented by Duamutef in the shape of a jackal, the intestines by kebehsenuf in the shape of a hawk, the lungs by Hapy in the shape of a monkey, and the liver by Amset in the shape of a human.
  • They would also use a metal tool to remove the brain through the nose, leaving only the heart, because they thought that was the organ that felt and thought.
  • Covering the body with natron so it doesn’t rot and filling it with slime or sawdust. This stage takes about 35 or 40 days.
  • Then, wrap the body with linen bandages these days.

6- The weather in Egypt is mild

Egypt has a dry and sunny summer, a mild and sometimes rainy winter, and a warm spring and fall. Egypt is best to visit in the beginning of spring, in the fall, or from October to April, which is winter. Some cities along the Red Sea can be nice in the summer. [read a full article on Egypt’s weather throughout the year]

7- The Places of Interest and History

Egypt has a lot to see and do, including pharaonic, Coptic, and Islamic sites as well as beautiful landscapes.

1- Where to go in Cairo

Cairo is the capital of Egypt, and its churches, mosques, and museums make it stand out. The mosques in Cairo are similar to the Mosque of Al-Azhar, the Mosque of Ibn Tulun with its large courtyard, the Mosque of Amr Ibn Alas, the Mosque of Muhammad Ali, which is known as the crown of the Citadel of Saladin, and many others.

Some places of interest in Coptic Cairo are the Hanging Church, the Church of Santa Maria, which is for Egyptian Orthodox Christians, and the Church of St. Simon’s Cave. There is also the Egyptian Museum, which has treasures and objects from the past. Khan El Khalili, also called Jan el-Jalili, is a great market in Cairo that is well-known.

2- Giza’s Locations

It is well known for the Great Sphinx and the three Pyramids of Cheops, Kephren, and Mycerinus. Also, there is the Valley Temple, where the mummification process took place. The Step Pyramid of Zoser is another example.

3- Alexandria’s Places

Ancient Egypt’s capital was Alexandria, which is now the country’s second largest city. It is known for its Library, which has a lot of books, and for the Citadel of Quaitbay, which is a fortress from the 15th century.

4- spots in Luxor and Aswan

They are very interesting cities with some of Egypt’s best temples. Luxor, also called “ancient Thebes,” has most of Egypt’s monuments. The Temple of Karnak, the Temple of Hatshepsut, the Colossi of Memnon, the Valley of the Kings, which is full of tombs, the Temple of Luxor, the Valley of the Queens, and many others are the most well-known. The Temple of Edfu and the Temple of Kom Ombo are on the way to Aswan. The Nubian Village, the Temple of Abu Simbel, and the Temple of Philae are all in Aswan. You can also buy gifts at bazaars.

5-The Red Sea’s Beauty

Cities on the Red Sea like Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh, El Gouna, and Marsa Alam draw a lot of people because of their beautiful scenery. The desert in Hurgada is well-known. Most of the time, in cities on the Red Sea, you can do water sports like diving and snorkelling and see all kinds of colourful fish.

6- Egyptians

Egyptians are always there for people who need help and are always willing to help. They are kind and willing to help. Egypt has people from all walks of life, but everyone is friendly. They honour their traditions and customs, and you’re also interested in learning about other cultures.

7- Take a cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan

You can learn more about Egyptian culture on this Nile cruise by going to places like the Temples of Luxor, the Temple of Edfu, the Temple of Kom Ombo, the sights in Aswan, and many others.

Fill in the blank Why should you go to Egypt?

Egypt has a lot to see, so pack your bags and book one of our Egypt travel packages to see Cairo, Aswan, Luxor, the Giza Complex, and the coastal cities.

Explore another world at night and drink your best drinks while listening to and dancing to Egyptian music and songs. At the Khan el-Jalili bazaar, you can also buy gifts. Don’t miss out on the chance to go to Egypt.

Tips in Egypt are called “Baksheesh.”

Egypt’s customs are different from those of other countries, but it’s best to avoid some of them on your trip or vacation there, like the tips (Bakshesh in Arabic).

Tipping is a normal part of life in Egypt, and not just for tourists. This article will tell you some useful things about tipping in Egypt. Keep in mind, though, that tipping is not required.

Who should I tip?

Tipping is common in Egypt, especially in tourist areas, where it is seen as a second income or the only income for some people who don’t have jobs. You can tip people who help you or do something for you, like those who carry their bags to the airport and to the bus, or those who work in hotels as bellboys, in room service, or in restaurants.

In restaurants, the most you can tip is 10 percent of the total bill, which is listed as a “service charge” on your bill. However, this 10 percent is for the restaurant, not the waiter, so be sure to tip him as well. How much you tip depends on how much money you make and is not required.

Do you leave a tip at the hotel breakfast buffet?

If breakfast is a buffet, where you choose your own food and serve it to yourself, you don’t have to leave a tip. Tipping is usually only done at restaurants with table service, where a server comes to your table to take your order, bring your food and drinks, etc.

Are tips given in dollars, euros, or Egyptian pounds?

You can leave a tip in dollars, euros, or Egyptian pounds, but not in coins, because you can’t exchange or buy anything with foreign currencies. Please keep in mind that the number of tips you leave should depend on how well you were served and how happy you were.

Other Egypt tips can be disregarded.

  • Watchmen at monuments and other places where taking pictures or using a camera pass is not allowed will ask for money to take your picture.
  • Kids ask for money to give you an address you already know.
  • If a local comes up to you and tells you something about a site or monument that you didn’t ask about or offers to show you hidden spots that you will definitely see with your guide, it’s best to ignore them.

Go to Egypt and look around

Enjoy a cultural adventure in the land of the pharaohs with our best-organized Egypt travel packages and give yourself the vacation you deserve, or take one of our Egypt Nile cruises to see the magic of the monuments in Luxor and Aswan.