Information about Kharga Oasis:

What is Egypt’s biggest oasis?

The Kharga Oasis is the most interesting oasis in Egypt.

Egypt’s oases are thought to be one of the most important places for tourists to visit.

Kharga, Egypt, is thought to be Egypt’s largest oasis.

Where is al Kharga Oasis, the great oasis?

It is in the Western Desert, 200 km from the Nile Valley, making it the closest oasis to the valley. It is 602 km from Cairo.

The oasis with the most people in Egypt, with more than 100,000 people living there. know Egypt Oases: How many are there?

Also, the capital city of “Wadi El-Gedid,” which means “New Valley,” is known for its ceramics.

How Kharga Oasis came to be:

The Romans called Kharga Oasis the Oasis Magna. The ancient Egyptians called it the Southern Oasis.

In ancient Egypt, it was important.

In the 12th Dynasty, it was important because it was a place where caravans stopped.

The caravans went along the Forty Way, which goes through both Egypt and Sudan.

During the 12th Dynasty, the oasis grew and became a safe place for Christians who were being persecuted by the Roman Empire. During this time, the Romans also built fortified cities of different sizes, temples, and cemeteries.

Meteorite iron from al Kharga Oasis is used to make the famous dagger of King Tutankhamen.

Herodotus, a Greek historian, said that the Oasis is where the Persian king Campus and his army stopped to rest on their way to Siwa Oasis to destroy the temple of Amun-Zeus. After that, the king and his army vanished.

Find out whether it’s safe to travel to Egypt.

Kharga Oasis’s Temples:

The Museum of Antiquities is where things from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages that were found in,

Also, it was put on display and built in a Christian style.

The city of Hibis, which was the capital of al Kharga Egypt, was called Hibis.

The only thing that is left of this city is this temple.

Get information about Amazing Stopover Tour to Islamic Cairo, which kept the Temple in good shape.

It was built during the XXV Dynasty and was a place of worship for the gods Amon, Mut, and Junsu.

There are sphinxes, patios, and a sanctuary in the hypostyle room with reliefs of the god Set and the corridor.

The Cemetery of El-Baghat

There are more than 263 adobe tombs from the 4th to the 6th centuries in a Christian cemetery.

It has paintings on its walls that show how the Israelis left Egypt and went to Kharga Oasis.

Qasr al Ghuta

The god Amun was honoured by the sand temple, which was built during the XXV dynasty.

Mut and Junsu, as well as reliefs of the god Haby and a few High Egyptian nomos symbols.

The good things about Egypt’s climate and weather

Qasr al-Zayn

A sandstone temple built by the Greeks and Romans and dedicated to the god Amon.

The building also has a courtyard with a sanctuary and a room with a staircase.

A beautiful place to visit in Egypt Also, that was an important part of Egypt’s civilization.

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About the Siwa Oasis

The Siwa Oasis, which is one of the most famous Egypt Oases, is one of the places that is far away from natural beauty.

From Siwa Oasis to Cairo is 600 km. Cairo is 50 km from the border with Libya.

In Egypt’s Western Desert, it is 80 kilometres long and 20 kilometres wide.

Has more than 30,000 people living there. You can find out what you need to know about Kharga Oasis here.

Most of the people who live there are Egyptian Berbers, who have their own language, traditions, and customs. Their language is called Siwa.

The main thing that people do in the oasis is farm, and most of what they grow are dates and olives. It is also known for its fields of trees.

History of Siwa Oasis in Egypt

Tomb at Siwa Oasis A cemetery from the XXVIth dynasty was found in Ancient Egypt. It was called “Sekht-am,” which means “the land of palms,” during this time.

Alexander the Great went to the temple of Amon in the oasis in 331 to ask the oracle if he was the rightful pharaoh of Egypt and the god’s son.

The Romans thought of the oasis as a place for people who were forced to leave their homes. It was said that there were only seven families and 40 people living in the oasis in 1203.

The Temple of Amun

The Temple of Amon: It is well-known because Alexander the Great went there.

During the XXX dynasty, it was built. In ancient Egypt, the oracle of Amon was a way for the god Amon to talk to people.

Salt Lake Siwa Oasis

Salt Lakes (Maraqi, Siwa, and Zeitun) are pools of salt water that float like the water in the Dead Sea and the water in the Siwa Oasis.

The Bath of Cleopatra

Fresh water comes from it naturally. It was said that Queen Cleopatra took baths there, so it was named after her.

The Hill of the Dead (Gabel al Mawta)

On a sandstone rock hill is a cemetery from the XXVI dynasty of the Roman Empire.

The Siwa Fortress

It is a group of ruins in Egypt’s Siwa Oasis.

It was built with adobe, salt, plaster, and bricks in the 1300s and was destroyed by rain in the 1900s. It was known as “Shali Ghali.”

Siwa Oasis is full of fun things to do.

Enjoy the natural beauty of the Oasis of Egypt and book your dream vacation with our Egypt travel packages that let you see famous places like Cairo and Alexandria. You can also book a cruise on the Nile from Luxor to Aswan.

Egypt’s Bahariya Oasis is a fact.

Egypt has many places to visit that will appeal to all kinds of tourists. Bahariya Oasis is known as the oasis of the north.

The Oasis in Egypt is thought to be a unique place to go if you want to find peace, natural beauty, and respect.

Oases in Egypt are beautiful places where you can learn about the ancient Egyptians.

“Cairo to Bahariya” is the best way to get there.

One of Egypt’s most famous oasis is the Bahariya Oasis, which is in the Western Desert, near the Farafra Oasis, and about 420 km from Cairo. It covers an area of about 2,000 km2.

Egypt’s past in Bahariya

Egypt has been lived in since the predynastic era. Packages and tours for solo travellers

During the Pharaonic period, it was the centre of agriculture. During the Middle Empire, it was known for its wine. During the XXVI dynasty, it was an important centre of agriculture and trade.

During the Greco-Roman era, they started to fight over the Bahariya Oasis because it was so important, but this was also when agriculture and the economy started to go downhill.

Bahariya In the 1990s, when some monuments from the Greco-Roman period were found, Egypt started to get a lot of attention from tourists around the world.

It was made of black volcanic rocks and black rocks with lots of quartz.

There are date palms and trees that grow guavas, mangos, and olives, among other things.

It has five villages: Mariya, El Qasr, Zabu, Al Heiz, and Bawiti (the capital of the Oasis).

The Arabic word “Bahr,” which means “sea,” is where the name “Bahariya” comes from. The Mediterranean Sea is to the north of the oasis, which is why the name comes from that word.

What are the mummies in the Bahariya Oasis?

The Valley of the Mummies was found in 1992. It dates back to the Greco-Roman era.

This valley has 10,000 mummies in it and is also called the “Golden Mummy.”

Near the Valley of the Mummies are the ruins of the Roman Fortress, which was the largest Roman fortress in the Western Oases during its time.

There are also places that people go to get better, like thermal springs.

What is the name of the place in Bahariya Oasis?

The remains of the Basilica Church, which was built in the 5th century, are also there.

It can also bring attention to the Temple of Alexander the Great, which is the only building made in his honour.

How should you see Bahereya Oasis?

Enjoy a trip to Egypt. Oases, where you can find other tourist destinations, are included in our travel packages to Egypt. You can also take a cruise down the Nile from Luxor to Aswan to see the beautiful temples of Upper Egypt.

Do you have to make plans ahead of time to go to Bahariya (Bahereya) Oasis?

Because it’s too crowded, we suggest you book your spot ahead of time.

Egypt’s Dakhla Oasis

Dakhla Oasis is one of Egypt’s oases. Most oases have hot springs that are used for healing, so they are the best places to go to relax and unwind.

Dakhla Egypt, which is 2000 km2, is one of the most beautiful oasis in Egypt.

How do you get to the Dakhla Oasis?

It is between Kharga and Frafra Oasis in the western desert, 315 km southeast of Farafra Oasis, and 350 km from the Nile River. It is home to 25,000 people.

What can you do in Dakhla?

The Oasis has been around since the time of the prehistoric people. In el Dakhla, you can go to:

1- Egypt’s city of Mut

“Mut,” which means “mother” in ancient Egyptian, is the biggest city in Egypt’s Dakhla Oasis. It is thought to be one of the oldest places where people have lived in Africa because houses from 13,000 years ago have been found there.

Also, 500 clay tablets from the time of the Pharaohs were found in the governor’s palace at “Ain Asil” (Balat).

During the Islamic era, the city of Al Qasr was built on the ruins of a Roman city. This happened in the 11th century.

2- Egypt Al Qasr

Al Qasr is a city that was built by the Ottomans in the Middle Ages. It has narrow streets with 5-story houses decorated with Ottoman and Mamluk designs on their doors and lintels.

3- Tombs of Muzawaka

It is 37 km from Mut to the Tombs of Muzawaka “Dakhla Oasis.” They are from Roman times and have beautiful decorations and paintings that have been kept in good shape.

4- Bir Talat and Bir El Gabel

Bir Talat and Bir El Gabel are 25 km north of Mut. They are known for their relaxing atmosphere and hot springs.

5- Bashandi

Bashandi is a town with pharaonic ruins that dates back to the 19th dynasty.

6- The Museum of Ethnology

The “Dakhla Oasis” Ethnographic Museum is a small museum with a small adobe house. The house is split into three sections: one for men, one for women, and one for guests. In each section, you can find a huge number of things.

7- Egypt’s Bir Al Hagar Dakhla

Bir Al Hagar is an old Roman temple from the time of Nero. The temple where the gods Amon, Mut, and Jonsu were worshipped. There are still paintings on its walls.

Dakhla Oasis is full of fun things to do.

You can go on a great Safari trip in the desert of Egypt with Egypt via travel. Check out our Egypt travel packages and choose your own adventure, or take a Nile cruise between the ancient cities of Luxor and Aswan.

How to Get to Farafra Oasis

Oases are the best thing about Egypt’s Western Desert. The Farafra Oasis has its own natural beauty.

It is in the western part of Egypt, between the oasis towns of Dakhla and Bahariya. It is 180 km from the Black Desert and 170 km from the Bahariya Oasis.

Has more than 5,000 Bedouins living there. Their homes were built in the traditional way, using adobe.

Egypt-Farafra It has more than 100 hot water wells, most of which are used to water crops.

How Egypt’s Farafra Oasis came to be

The ancient Egyptians called it “Ta-Iht,” which means “land of the cow” in the language of their goddess Hathor.

Farafra Oasis was a place in Egypt that the pharaohs knew about and was written about in the temples, such as in “the Temple of Karnak.”

All the specifics you need to know about Egypt Oases

The Temple of Luxor talks about how Libyan troops took over Farafra during the reign of Amenhotep, the son of Ramses II.

It said that the seven oases and Ti-iht, which is northwest of Khenmet and called the Dakhla Oasis, were where the minerals came from.

Temples, tombs, palaces, and other buildings from the Roman Empire are still there.

It was also where the Copts went when the Romans were killing them.

During the time of Islam, dates, tea, and olives were traded between the oasis and the Nile. This helped the oasis grow and thrive.

Top 5 places to see in Egypt’s Farafra Oasis

1- The Hot Springs are:

like Bir Sitta, which has the best hot water of any spring in the oasis, Ain Bishay, which has been used to water crops since Roman times, and Abu Nus (the big tourist lake for relaxation and swimming).

2- The Badr Museum:

It is where the sculptures of the artist “Badr,” which he made out of stone, mud, and sand, are kept. He also makes things that show how people in Farafra used to live.


3- The White Desert and Farafra Oasis in Egypt:

Farafra is to the north of it. It used to be below sea level, so you can find fossils of sea creatures in the rocks. Sandstorms covered the rocks with white limestone, which is why it was called the White Desert.

“The finger of God” or “Al Qubar” is one of the best-known rocks. It is a 20-meter-high rock that looks like a finger and is in the sandy centre of the Western Desert. read here Go to Egypt in 2022.

The White Desert is very hot.

reaches 90°F (32°C) at its hottest.

4- The Farafra Oasis in the Black Desert:

Since volcanoes have been going on for thousands of years, it is covered with black rocks.

People think that the English Mountain is the highest point in the Black Desert.

5- The Crystal Mountain:

The White Desert and the Black Desert are on either side of it. It is made from Cacita’s rock crystals.

Visit Farafra Oasis and the other places of interest in Egypt.

Don’t pass up the chance to see the beautiful oases of Egypt and have an adventure in these places. Check out our Egypt vacation packages and tours and then book your trip. You can also enjoy the sights of the ancient cities of Luxor and Aswan when you take a cruise down the Nile.