Farafra Oasis

How to Get to Farafra Oasis

Oases are the best thing about Egypt’s Western Desert. The Farafra Oasis has its own natural beauty.

It is in the western part of Egypt, between the oasis towns of Dakhla and Bahariya. It is 180 km from the Black Desert and 170 km from the Bahariya Oasis.

Has more than 5,000 Bedouins living there. Their homes were built in the traditional way, using adobe.

Egypt-Farafra It has more than 100 hot water wells, most of which are used to water crops.

How Egypt’s Farafra Oasis came to be

The ancient Egyptians called it “Ta-Iht,” which means “land of the cow” in the language of their goddess Hathor.

Farafra Oasis was a place in Egypt that the pharaohs knew about and was written about in the temples, such as in “the Temple of Karnak.”

All the specifics you need to know about Egypt Oases

The Temple of Luxor talks about how Libyan troops took over Farafra during the reign of Amenhotep, the son of Ramses II.

It said that the seven oases and Ti-iht, which is northwest of Khenmet and called the Dakhla Oasis, were where the minerals came from.

Temples, tombs, palaces, and other buildings from the Roman Empire are still there.

It was also where the Copts went when the Romans were killing them.

During the time of Islam, dates, tea, and olives were traded between the oasis and the Nile. This helped the oasis grow and thrive.

Top 5 places to see in Egypt’s Farafra Oasis

1- The Hot Springs are:

like Bir Sitta, which has the best hot water of any spring in the oasis, Ain Bishay, which has been used to water crops since Roman times, and Abu Nus (the big tourist lake for relaxation and swimming).

2- The Badr Museum:

It is where the sculptures of the artist “Badr,” which he made out of stone, mud, and sand, are kept. He also makes things that show how people in Farafra used to live.


3- The White Desert and Farafra Oasis in Egypt:

Farafra is to the north of it. It used to be below sea level, so you can find fossils of sea creatures in the rocks. Sandstorms covered the rocks with white limestone, which is why it was called the White Desert.

“The finger of God” or “Al Qubar” is one of the best-known rocks. It is a 20-meter-high rock that looks like a finger and is in the sandy centre of the Western Desert. read here Go to Egypt in 2022.

The White Desert is very hot.

reaches 90°F (32°C) at its hottest.

4- The Farafra Oasis in the Black Desert:

Since volcanoes have been going on for thousands of years, it is covered with black rocks.

People think that the English Mountain is the highest point in the Black Desert.

5- The Crystal Mountain:

The White Desert and the Black Desert are on either side of it. It is made from Cacita’s rock crystals.

Visit Farafra Oasis and the other places of interest in Egypt.

Don’t pass up the chance to see the beautiful oases of Egypt and have an adventure in these places. Check out our Egypt vacation packages and tours and then book your trip. You can also enjoy the sights of the ancient cities of Luxor and Aswan when you take a cruise down the Nile.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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