How to Describe the Temple of Edfu in General

The Temple of Edfu is Egypt’s most well-kept place of worship.

Because it was one of the last temples built to honour the god of heaven, Horus, during the Ptolemaic Empire, which lasted from 237 to 57 b.c.

After the Temple of Karnak, it is the second-largest temple in Egypt.

Find out more about the Temple of Philae.

Also, it is halfway between Luxor and Aswan and on the west bank of the Nile. Short trip through Aswan Day Tours

What’s so important about the Temple of Horus at Edfu?

It is very important to visit the Temple of Edfu.

Because it shows how the Ptolemaic culture and the Pharaonic culture of ancient Egypt came together.

Read an important article about The Eye of Ra by clicking here.

It was helpful that the writings on its walls told us about Egypt’s religion, language, and mythology during the Hellenistic period.

How the Temple of Horus at Edfu came to be

The temple that Ptolemy III had built.

On August 23, 237 BC, and was finished in 57 BC, during the reign of Ptolemy XII.

Why was the Temple of Horus made?

The famous myth of Isis and Osiris says that Horus fought Seth to get revenge for the deaths of his father, Osiris, and his brother, Horus’s brother Horus. The temple was built on the spot where Horus was thought to have fought Seth.

All of this information was also found on the walls of the temple in the form of pictures and important writing.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Christianity, and the ban on paganism in 391 AD, the temple lost its status.

Who was it that first found the Temple of Horus?

It was buried in the sand and kept safe in the middle of the desert for hundreds of years.

Until an Egyptologist from France named Auguste Mariette dug it up in 1860.

The plan for the building and temple of Edfu

The temple’s design is one of a kind because it is a mix of Greek and Egyptian styles.

West of the entrance to the Temple of Edfu, at a height of 36 m, is a Greek birth house called “Mamisi.”

And two statues of Horus made of granite at the place where the annual coronation festival took place.

And where the reenactment of Horus’s birth as a god took place.

It has one of the tallest pylons in Egypt, which stands 37 m tall.

Built by Ptolemy IX, it is surrounded by rooms like the Hypostyle room, which was made by Ptolemy VII.

But that one has a painting of astronomical signs on the ceiling.

This represents the sky, which is held up by two rows of six pillars, the hall of festivals, and the room of offerings.

The “Sanctuary of Horus” is the most important part of the Temple of Edfu.

It is the oldest thing in the temple, though, because it has a black granite shrine that was decorated by Nectanebo II.

There are pictures of Ptolemy IV worshipping Horus on the wall.

Temple tours in Egypt – Edfu, Egypt

The Temple of Edfu, also known as the “Temple of Horus,” is an amazing historical site to see, so we’ve put together travel packages to Egypt that include a cruise on the Nile so you can see the temple and other Egyptian attractions.

About Author

Mohammed Eldeeb


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