What Does Kom Ombo Temple Mean?

The Kom Ombo Temple is one of the most interesting temples in Aswan, and probably in all of Egypt.

The word “Kom” means “heap” in Arabic, and “Ombo” means “gold” in the ancient Egyptian language. Together, these words mean “the heap of gold.”

Who built the Temple made of a lot of gold?

From 205 to 180 BC, during the reign of King Ptolemy V, the Kom Ombo Temple was built in the Greco-Roman style. Later, during the Roman era, the temple was expanded.

what are the pros of the Egyptian Museum?

Located 45 kilometres north of the city of Aswan, on the eastern bank of the Nile River.

Also, the temple plan was thought to be very unique.

One of this type is a temple with a double design and two identical parts that are each devoted to a different god.

The part of Kom Ombo Temple to the south:

The goddess Hator and the god Jonsu gave it to the crocodile god Sobek, who was the god of fertility.

The part in the north:

Hor-Wer was the god who protected the pharaohs and Egypt.

Built to show that Ptolemy was in charge of the whole country and had the most power.

At Kom El Dekka, you can find out about the Roman amphitheatre of Alexandria.

What is it made out of?

Also, it is mostly made of limestone and is in the shape of a rectangle.

Temple of Kom Ombo Facts That Are Interesting – History

Building the Temple was a very unusual thing to do.

Like most ancient Egyptian temples, the temple was built in a rectangular shape out of limestone.

Plan for the Temple

The Kom Ombo Temple is almost perfectly symmetrical in how it was built.

Also, the temple has two groaning shrines and two parallel paths that lead out of it.

But it is made up of an open courtyard, a hypostyle room, three interior rooms, vestibules, and a porch.

There were small rooms for different rituals and two main temples for the gods “Sobek and Hor-Wer.”

Learn more about the Catacombs of Kom El Shokafa if you have the chance.

There are many beautiful pictures and decorations in the temple.

Also, Ptolemy VIII and Ptolemy XII are shown kneeling before the gods on the walls and columns.

The Ptolemaic dynasty also built the temple to show how great they were.

Temple tours in Egypt

Egypt has a great history to learn about, and Kom Ombo is a good place to start.

In conclusion, we offer a variety of Egypt vacation packages that include cruises on the Nile between Luxor and Aswan and tours of Egypt’s most famous sights.

Check them out and book the trip of your dreams.

How to Describe the Temple of Edfu in General

The Temple of Edfu is Egypt’s most well-kept place of worship.

Because it was one of the last temples built to honour the god of heaven, Horus, during the Ptolemaic Empire, which lasted from 237 to 57 b.c.

After the Temple of Karnak, it is the second-largest temple in Egypt.

Find out more about the Temple of Philae.

Also, it is halfway between Luxor and Aswan and on the west bank of the Nile. Short trip through Aswan Day Tours

What’s so important about the Temple of Horus at Edfu?

It is very important to visit the Temple of Edfu.

Because it shows how the Ptolemaic culture and the Pharaonic culture of ancient Egypt came together.

Read an important article about The Eye of Ra by clicking here.

It was helpful that the writings on its walls told us about Egypt’s religion, language, and mythology during the Hellenistic period.

How the Temple of Horus at Edfu came to be

The temple that Ptolemy III had built.

On August 23, 237 BC, and was finished in 57 BC, during the reign of Ptolemy XII.

Why was the Temple of Horus made?

The famous myth of Isis and Osiris says that Horus fought Seth to get revenge for the deaths of his father, Osiris, and his brother, Horus’s brother Horus. The temple was built on the spot where Horus was thought to have fought Seth.

All of this information was also found on the walls of the temple in the form of pictures and important writing.

After the fall of the Roman Empire, the rise of Christianity, and the ban on paganism in 391 AD, the temple lost its status.

Who was it that first found the Temple of Horus?

It was buried in the sand and kept safe in the middle of the desert for hundreds of years.

Until an Egyptologist from France named Auguste Mariette dug it up in 1860.

The plan for the building and temple of Edfu

The temple’s design is one of a kind because it is a mix of Greek and Egyptian styles.

West of the entrance to the Temple of Edfu, at a height of 36 m, is a Greek birth house called “Mamisi.”

And two statues of Horus made of granite at the place where the annual coronation festival took place.

And where the reenactment of Horus’s birth as a god took place.

It has one of the tallest pylons in Egypt, which stands 37 m tall.

Built by Ptolemy IX, it is surrounded by rooms like the Hypostyle room, which was made by Ptolemy VII.

But that one has a painting of astronomical signs on the ceiling.

This represents the sky, which is held up by two rows of six pillars, the hall of festivals, and the room of offerings.

The “Sanctuary of Horus” is the most important part of the Temple of Edfu.

It is the oldest thing in the temple, though, because it has a black granite shrine that was decorated by Nectanebo II.

There are pictures of Ptolemy IV worshipping Horus on the wall.

Temple tours in Egypt – Edfu, Egypt

The Temple of Edfu, also known as the “Temple of Horus,” is an amazing historical site to see, so we’ve put together travel packages to Egypt that include a cruise on the Nile so you can see the temple and other Egyptian attractions.

Nubian Museum

Egypt is a popular place for tourists from all over the world to visit. Aswan is one of Egypt’s most important cities. This city has a unique shape, especially in the area called Nubia.

The ancient Egyptian word “Nbu,” which means “land of gold,” is where the name “Nubia” comes from. The Nubians’ way of life, their traditions, and the way they dress are all different.

The Nubian Museum is one place that shows how the Nubian people live and what they do. This museum is a very important place to go in Aswan if you want to buy things from Nubia or ancient Egypt.

How the Nubian Museum came to be

During the 1960s, when the High Dam of Aswan was being built, a lot of Aswan’s monuments were flooded by the Nile, and a lot of Nubian land also sank.

UNESCO helped Egypt build a museum to store and show off the Pharaonic and Nubian monuments. In 1986, the first stone was put down for the Nubian Museum. It opened to the public in 1997.

Putting together the Nubian Museum

It took 11 years to build the Museum. The Museum cost 60 million Egyptian pounds to build. It is 50 000 m2, but only 7 000 of that is the Museum building. The rest is a big garden. An obelisk from the Temple of Abu Simbel stands at the entrance.

In the garden, there are statues from different times in Nubia, a house built in the Nubian style, man-made lakes, and a minaret decorated in the Fatimid style. The museum has 3000 artefacts from prehistoric, Pharaonic, Coptic, Islamic, and Roman times.

In the middle of the museum is a 12-meter-tall statue of Ramses II. Around it are other monuments from different times. There are also 16 statues of Nubia’s well-known kings. There is a library and information centre in the Museum.

Where is the village of the Nubians?

The “Nubian Village” is in the city of Gharb Soheil, which is in Aswan, which is the capital of Egypt.

Aswan is about 350 miles south of Cairo, Egypt’s capital city. It is known for having some of the country’s oldest ruins.

From the city of Aswan, you can drive or take a boat to the Nubian Village.

If you have a car, you’ll either drive yourself or hire a taxi or driver to take you there. We strongly suggest that you take a ship. It’s just beautiful.

What style is Nubian?

The inside of a typical Nubian house is known for being small and quiet, just like most Nubian villages.

mud bricks, which are made of clay, hay, sand, and water, are used to build many brightly coloured homes in the style of Nubian architecture.

It is less likely to spread illness, cheaper, and the clay texture of the bricks is less affected by heat because all of the materials are natural.

The homes here have dome-shaped ceilings to help spread the heat of the sun throughout the building.

The people of Nubia also like to decorate their homes with simple but beautiful colours and, most of the time, drawings of things that are important to their culture, like boats, camels, and palm trees.

Field trip to the Nubian Museum

The Nubian Museum is one of Aswan’s most important treasures.

It draws a lot of tourists who want to see how beautiful Nubian culture and style are.

On our Nile cruise, you can see the sights of Luxor and Aswan and learn about Egypt’s great civilization over the past 7,000 years.

You can also look at our Egypt vacation packages and book the trip of your dreams.

About the Obelisk That Isn’t Finished

The Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan is the biggest Obelisk in the ancient world and the biggest in Egypt. The Greek word “obelisks” is where the word “obelisk” comes from. The Egyptians used tools to cut the blocks into the shape of wooden wedges, which they then put into rectangular holes in the rock. When the wedges were put in water, they grew and broke the stone.

Unfinished Obelisk. The obelisks, like the pyramids, show how skilled the ancient Egyptians were by showing how they cut and moved these big blocks of granite. The obelisks were put together with quartz, basalt, and limestone.

The obelisks were built for the first time during the New Empire. They had been built before, but they were small. The Unfinished Obelisk in Aswan is one of the most interesting obelisks. It is thought to be one of Aswan’s most important sights.

How the unfinished obelisk came to be

Queen Hatshepsut, who ruled Egypt from 1490 to 1468 BC as part of the 18th Dynasty, gave the order to build the Unfinished Obelisk (wife of King Thutmosis II).

The Obelisk was made to match the 30-meter-tall, 350-ton Lateran obelisk of Karnak, which was moved to Rome’s Lateran Palace. When the Obelisk was taken apart in granite quarries, cracks were made in the rock so it could be moved.

How the Obelisk Was Put Together

Large columns with four sides and a pyramid shape at the top are called obelisks. The Obelisk is in the quarries, which are in the north of Aswan. The Obelisk is 42 m tall and weighs 1200 tonnes. The Obelisk’s base is 4 m long. Pink granite is used to make it.

Stone balls were used to get rid of the bumps, so the surface was smooth. People think of it as an open-air museum where you can learn how to work with stone and cut huge blocks.

A trip to Aswan’s “Unfinished Obelisk”

Egypt’s cities like Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Alexandria have a lot of magical things to see and do. If you want to visit historical places, check out our Egypt and Nile cruise packages and choose the trip you like best.

What is Abu Simbel?

Glory is a word that is changed by the Temple of Abu Simbel. It was built by Ramses II (1279-1213 BC) during the time of the new Egyptian empire as a way to honour his wife Nefertari, make his name last forever, and keep his name from being forgotten.

He started to build it in 1264 B.C. and finished it in 1244 B.C. On the west bank of the Nile River, west of Aswan, it was carved into the mountain to show Egypt’s southern neighbours and anyone else who wants to attack Egypt’s borders how strong and cultural Egypt is.

How the Temple of Abu Simbel was Built

The temple is made up of two temples. The first is the great temple of Pharaoh Ramses the Great, which was built to honour the gods Amun, Ptah, and Ra-Hor-Akhty and to remember his victory at the Battle of Kadesh in 1274 BC.

The temple is 30 metres tall, 35 metres long, and has four 20-meter-tall statues of the second Pharaoh Ramses sitting on the front.

Inside the temple, there are three rooms that go on for 56 metres until they reach the end, where there are four statues, one for each god. The rooms are decorated with statues of Ramses the Second, pictures of the gods, and scenes from the battle of Kadesh.

The Sun of the Temple of Abu Simbel Festival

During the festival of the sun, which happens every year on February 22 and October, when the sun’s rays shine into the temple and light up the sanctuary and the faces of the gods to the northeast, the temple gets a lot of attention from the media.

The temple of Nefertari is 100 metres away. It was built for the goddess Hator, who was the goddess of love, joy, and beauty. It has two statues of Nefertari that are 10.5 metres tall and six statues of her husband, King Ramses the Second.

The Temples of Abu Simbel Need Help

In the 1960s of the last century, when the High Dam of Aswan was being built, the whole Temple of Philae complex was in danger of being flooded by Lake Naser. However, thanks to UNESCO, the complex was moved to a new location using a brilliant plan. This was one of the biggest challenges in the history of archaeological engineering.

Tours to the Abu Simbel Temple

[Tour of the Abu Simbel Temple for a day]

The Temple of Abu Simbel is one of the most famous historical sites in the world, and many tourists dream of visiting it. If you want to see this magnificent monument and other archaeological sites, you can look at our vacation packages to Egypt or Egypt Nile cruises to find the best trip for you to Egypt.